
Living With Fungal Nails

The Do’s and Don’ts of Living with Fungal Nails Fungal nail infections are common and a frustrating problem, affecting all ages. If you’re dealing with fungal nails or seeking advice on how to manage them, you’re in the right place. We would like to share the Do’s and Don’ts when living with Fungal Nails. The […]

Top Tips for Choosing Back-to-School Shoes: Comfort, Style, and Support

Top Tips for Choosing Back-to-School Shoes: Comfort, Style, and Support Before you dive into the whirlwind of back-to-school preparations, there’s one essential item that warrants your attention: the perfect pair of back-to-school shoes for your children. As summer fades away and the excitement of a new school year looms, the task of selecting the ideal […]

Summertime Feet: Top tips

As the sun shines brighter and the temperature rises, summertime calls for fun outdoor activities and stylish open-toe shoes. However, it’s crucial not to neglect our feet amidst the excitement. Whether you’re strolling on the beach, exploring new hiking trails, or simply enjoying the season’s festivities, taking care of your feet is essential for a […]

Why Legs Matter: Promoting leg health for a better quality of life

Legs Matter Week 12-16 June 2023 is back with a vengeance & I wanted to help & bring awareness to this amazing charity! At legsmatter.org, & the team Walk This Way Podiatry firmly believe that legs really do matter!!! Healthy legs play a crucial role in our overall well-being, mobility, and quality of life. However, […]

Debunking 5 common foot health myths: Separating fact from fiction

Proper foot health is crucial for overall well-being, but there are several misconceptions that can cloud our understanding of how to care for our feet. I want to debunk five common foot health myths and provide you with accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your foot health. Let’s dispel these myths and […]

What’s Lunula Laser success rate for nail fungus?

When your toenails lose their natural pinky appearance and look discoloured, yellowish-brown, really dark, are brittle and starting to crumble, it’s very likely that you have developed a fungal nail infection. A fungal nail infection, medically named Onychomycosis, is a highly contagious condition that, if not treated effectively, will keep recurring and spreading from your […]

Does Lunula Laser work for toenail fungus?

Nowadays, there is so much noise about laser therapy that it’s hard to know what works and what’s part of a sci-fi tale. Since the turn of the century, there has been an explosion in the types of laser employed in many medical disciplines to diagnose and treat certain health conditions. This trend is mainly […]

What is Lunula Laser?

Nowadays, there is so much noise about laser therapy that it’s hard to know what works and what’s part of a sci-fi tale. Since the turn of the century, there has been an explosion in the types of laser employed in many medical disciplines to diagnose and treat certain health conditions. This trend is mainly […]

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