
How to treat and prevent Verruca in children

Swift verruca treatment

Nothing is more devastating for a parent than seeing their little ones in distress, especially when this distress is caused by a foot condition about which they can do very little.

If your child complains of foot pain and a collection of black dots have appeared at the bottom of their feet, they have likely developed a plantar wart, most commonly known as a verruca.

Verrucas are a type of viral infection that appears on the sole of the feet and are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The virus starts by targeting a cell and then uses this cell to live and spread.

HPV thrives in warm, moist environments, such as public swimming pools, communal showers or changing rooms. Children can pick up HPV by walking barefoot over an infected area, using a contaminated towel, or through close physical contact with an infected person. The virus enters the skin through any small cuts, scratches on their feet or wet, fragile skin.

The verruca virus is highly contagious and can spread very quickly, making barefoot-walking areas a breeding ground for contamination.

A verruca’s incubation period can be up to six months, so it can take a while before you notice your child’s caught it. verrucas can appear on the toes, at the bottom of the feet, and they are not always painful. However, if left untreated, they can spread to other parts of the foot and also to other members of your family.

Like with other viruses, with verrucas, you treat the symptoms, in this case, the plantar wart.

A verruca in children is not a serious condition, and it will likely resolve on its own. If your child is under the age of six and the verruca virus is not causing pain, you can manage it at home and allow your child’s immune system to build up and clear it. In most cases, a verruca will disappear within two years.

If, by contrast, your child is in physical pain or the virus is damaging their confidence, causing embarrassment about their feet, it’s highly advisable you seek medical advice. The same rule applies if your child’s verruca spreads, bleeds, or changes in appearance.

At Walk This Way Podiatry, we recommend treating children aged six or above with SWIFT® Microwave Verruca treatment.  

What is SWIFT® Microwave Verruca treatment?;

SWIFT® Microwave Verruca treatment is a safe, simple and revolutionary method to treat plantar warts. Unlike the most traditional procedures, SWIFT® Verruca Microwave Therapy uses electromagnetic waves to penetrate deep into the affected tissue to destroy it and alert the immune system of the verruca virus, activating its self-healing response.

There are proteins in the HPV virus that keep it hidden from the body’s immune system. The SWIFT system uses a very low dose of microwave energy to expose these proteins to the immune system. As soon as your child’s body is able to recognise the virus, it kicks start its natural healing process to eliminate it.

The procedure is practically pain-free, so rest assured it won’t hurt your child. Of course, they will feel the energy pulse, but we will take measures to reduce this sensation and make it as comfortable as possible for them. In most instances, we do a minimum of four quick zaps per verruca.

What’s more, your child will leave with no wound, no blistering, and no bandaging after the procedure.

It takes approximately a minimum of three sessions with an interval of three to four weeks between them to terminate the virus. SWIFT® verruca microwave treatment offers an 86% success rate over other most traditional verruca treatments, with no aftercare needed or unwanted side effects.

You can read more about the procedure here. ;

How can I prevent my children from getting Verrucas?;

Although you can’t entirely prevent your child from getting a verruca, there are a number of measures you can take to help guard against plantar warts or stop them from spreading and infecting other children.

● Wash your child’s feet and dry them well every day.

● Change your child’s socks and shoes daily.

● Disinfect your bathroom floor, shower cubicle and bath tabs well to kill the virus and avoid it spreading to other members of your family.

● If you have more than one child, make sure they don’t share the same towels.

● Make sure your child always wear flip-flops or appropriate footwear in public places like gyms and pools.

● Ask your child not to touch or pick the verruca to avoid the spread of the virus on other areas of the foot.

● If your child has a scratch, cut, or any sort of skin abrasion, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water and dress it while it’s healing to reduce the chances of becoming infected.

Contact us for more information about treating verrucas in children or booking a consultation.

Book Children's Verruca Appointment in Amersham

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